(408) 647-2327

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Our Acupuncture Supporters

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Many thanks to the following acupuncturists for their generous support of the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and Team in Training. Your generous contribution is making a difference in the lives of cancer victims and they thank you as well!

Santa Cruz Acupuncture and Functional Medicine Practitioner, Lela Carney provides acupuncture, Chinese and functional medicine (natural, herbal and nutritional) with mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and Somatic Experiencing (SE) trauma support to her Santa Cruz, Ca clients. She also specializes in treating thyroid issues, especially autoimmune thyroid problems like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Click here to read more about her alternative thyroid treatments.

Lela C. Carney, Acupuncture

143 Tree Frog Lane
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Phone: (831) 479-3531
Visit our Google Places listing for map and directions.

Contact Us

Kat & Mouse Co.
(408) 647-2327
1777 Hamilton Ave., Ste. 2310
San Jose, CA 95125
(Just a hop and skip away from Los Gatos,
Campbell and Cupertino)

In Santa Cruz? Call…

(831) 419-9854
We'll meet you at our Santa Cruz office, aka
"The Abbey" coffee shop on High St.

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