(408) 647-2327

Stop playing cat & mouse with your customers!

Content and messaging development

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Don’t just write about your offerings on your website, answer your customers’ questions!

How much of the content on your website is NOT relevant to what your target customers are looking for? If it’s like most websites, it’s probably a lot. In the old days you were expected to put everything you do, and everything you offer on your website in detail. That is no longer a good strategy. We at Kat & Mouse Co. can help you pare down what’s on your site so ever section, every page, and every word is getting you closer to your target visitors, and converting them into customers. The leaner and cleaner a webpage is today, the more valuable it will be to visitors. They want to get in, find what they want, and move on. Make that easy for them by being very strategic about what content you do and don’t include.

To decide what you should include, ask yourself, “what question is my offering the answer to?” Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Play dev1il’s advocate! Do you REALLY think you have the best or only solution to your target customers’ problems? By forcing yourself to be objective, you’ll be able to come up with the right questions you need to address on your website, to prove you’re offers are valuable. And if your competitors do some things better than you do, there’s also probably one or two areas where they can’t compete. Focus on the areas where you shine.

Don’t be shy, brag about yourself!

Whatever you and your company does better, that competitive message should be on every page on your website, at the beginning and ending of the page. Do you have the best prices? Fastest delivery? Most experienced staff? Whatever your strategic positioning is, you need to repeat it as much as possible. Don’t worry, your customers won’t mind. Being obvious with you lead claims and proof points will only win you more site visits, and better scores from search engines.

Time and time again we have customers that tell us they don’t know what their competitors are offering. And they don’t know what their own #1 value proposition is. If you really want content that speaks to your customers needs, and quickly converts them into paying customers, you need to get specific. Customers who buy online today are getting more and more savvy about making product and service choices. They know in any signifet icant market category there will probably be a large number of businesses looking for customers. They will read 3rd party articles, ask their friends, check out multiple competitors, and even price shop to decide who they want to by from.

For you to have a fighting chance in this environment, you have to be very strategic about what you tell them in the first few minutes of their visit to your site. At Kat & Mouse Co. we’re experts at know what keywords, key phrases, and topics will bring you the most new visitors from search engines, social media posts, and articles you post. We’ll work with you to carefully craft your content so it speaks to the right people and answers their questions better than anyone else.

Contact Us

Kat & Mouse Co.
(408) 647-2327
1777 Hamilton Ave., Ste. 2310
San Jose, CA 95125
(Just a hop and skip away from Los Gatos,
Campbell and Cupertino)

In Santa Cruz? Call…

(831) 419-9854
We'll meet you at our Santa Cruz office, aka
"The Abbey" coffee shop on High St.

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Kat & Mouse achieved top ranking in all major search engines for all our keywords, and our website remains there 9 years later! Without reservation, we recommend Kat & Mouse! – CSFW Personal Injury Law

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