(408) 647-2327

Stop playing cat & mouse with your customers!

Flywheel Web Hosting + Theme Confirmation

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Thank you for taking the time to register your hosting account with Kat & Mouse.

Assuming you completed the payment process, here’s some important information you need to print and file away or bookmark.


First, Flywheel is your web host. Kat & Mouse is just a professional partner, but as such, because they think I’m pretty special (ok, it just means I give them a lot of money), you get special privileges other Flywheel clients don’t get – namely “Priority” tech support. And you get access to it the same way I do. That means you don’t need to go through me. You can go to Flywheel directly 24/7 and ask for help.

Because it’s priority support, they’ll drop what they’re doing to help you. No long waits, for one, but they’ve even fixed hacked sites for me for free before! Ok, maybe I got lucky. I’m not sure that’s their job, but they do go way and beyond what normal web hosts do to help you to make sure your site is up and running 24/7. I’ve seen it time and again. Their tech support is unbelievable.


So here’s how you get access to the support gods at Flywheel.

  1. After your payment goes through, I’m going to add the email that registered for your account as a collaborator on the account. If that is not correct, let us know.
  2. Look for an email from Flywheel and follow the link to their site.
  3. Set yourself up a free account and once you’re in, you’ll get access to everything that runs your site which I hope you’ll ignore and let us take care of for you. What you may need one day is the “Get Help” button in the bottom left whenever you need help, and that’s it.


If for some reason, Kat & Mouse shutters its doors, or you want to break free and go it alone, well that’s why I chose Flywheel for you all. You can just cut us loose.  You don’t have to move files are any of that other nonsense. It’s very easy to transfer your account. And by then you will have access to talk to them in support about how it’s done.

And that’s it. You’re all set. Your website is in good hands now (unless you opted out of the “Plugin Update” service that is; in which case, your website is still in your hands. Here are your plugin update instructions to do that. ).

Thank you!

Contact Us

Kat & Mouse Co.
(408) 647-2327
1777 Hamilton Ave., Ste. 2310
San Jose, CA 95125
(Just a hop and skip away from Los Gatos,
Campbell and Cupertino)

In Santa Cruz? Call…

(831) 419-9854
We'll meet you at our Santa Cruz office, aka
"The Abbey" coffee shop on High St.

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