(408) 647-2327

Stop playing cat & mouse with your customers!

SEO for medical writers and other service professionals

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getting found in the search engines is tough

Or, how does a little Goby get found in a sea of sturgeon?

Do a query in Google, and you’ll see that there are over 10 MILLION pages competing for the keywords “medical writer.” With that much competition how can a freelance medical writer get found in Google?

Sound impossible? It’s not. Follow these SEO tips in the following Powerpoint presentation that was given to the Northern California Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association on November, 6, 2011, and you too can rise to the top.

Have questions?

Admittedly, Powerpoint slides are never as good as an actual video as they don’t include the audio. So if you have questions, please be sure to leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer.


Like what you read? Then get the Scoop!



Kathy (aka Kat) is one of the internet's original Digital Divas and freely shares her expertise in the fields of web design, SEO, Local SEO, social media marketing, content development, PPC, and conversion optimization to help businesses succeed online. Sadly, she's allergic to cats.

Contact Us

Kat & Mouse Co.
(408) 647-2327
1777 Hamilton Ave., Ste. 2310
San Jose, CA 95125
(Just a hop and skip away from Los Gatos,
Campbell and Cupertino)

In Santa Cruz? Call…

(831) 419-9854
We'll meet you at our Santa Cruz office, aka
"The Abbey" coffee shop on High St.

The worst day of my life is the day I told my competitor about Kat & Mouse.

D. Fulton

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